DEFEND THE CFMEU- Say no to administration
Defending CFMEU and the broader union movement against unprecedented Government overreach
MILITANT WORKER - Defending CFMEU and the broader union movement against unprecedented Government overreach
The Australian Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist organisation that seeks to lead Australia from being a capitalist society to a socialist one. The Party seeks to build the strongest ties with the struggles of the working class and to earn a position of trust and leadership. Members of the ACP are active in their workplaces and communities to best serve all exploited people for the cause of socialism. The ACP is committed to tried and proven tactics of class struggle and practical support and inherits the best traditions of the Australian working class.
The struggle for a socialist Australia is the central task of the Australian Communist Party and has no illusions that this struggle will be led through parliament. The ACP recognises that Australia was built on the dispossession of the Aboriginal peoples, the exploitation of their labour and that of convicts and migrant workers. A socialist Australia will strive to undo the injustices heaped on the Aboriginal peoples of the country. Questions like land rights will never be resolved under capitalism.
The ACP is an internationalist party that prioritises the struggles of the Australian working class, by pursuing an independent foreign policy based on solidarity and mutual benefit.